Adress: Ljevakovićeva 30a
Phone: +385(1)2856-756
Head: Slavica Novaković, grad. defectologist
Program working with children with intellectual disabilities (mental retardation)
enrollment in primary school program, depending on the degree of intellectual disability (mental retardation) to:
- razrede od I. do VIII. po Nastavnom planu za osnovne škole u Republici Hrvatskoj s posebnostima za učenike s većim teškoćama u razvoju
- educational groups according to the curriculum of basic education and training of students in the degree of moderate and severe mental retardation
Professional Staff at:
- speech
- kinesiotherapists
- social worker
Electoral Studies:
- Religious Education
- informatics
Extracurricular activities:
- school sports club “Circle”
- student cooperative “branch”
- ceramic workshops
- drama group
- musical and theatrical expression
- eco-sections
- assembly
- swimming lessons
IRRA – an interactive workshop for parents“Zagreb kak ‘ imam te rad”
“Winter on Sljeme”
- “The workshop souvenirs”
Occupational Therapy (Students older than 21 years):
- The weaving workshop
- Workshop activities polyvalent