living community




  The project “Sopnica I.” began in late 2009. thanks to the initiative and efforts of parents and understanding of the City. Center for Autism Zagreb also got to use a subsidized housing complex in New Jelkovec. First, the selected potential users of the community, conducted the surveys of users, individual meetings were held with parents and carers, and eventually decided on candidates communities. It was decided that the first living community of the Center for Autism Zagreb are included users who need greater levels of support in everyday activities, which are heterogeneous in their competence in self-care and household have different levels of functional communication and are heterogeneous in terms of pharmacotherapy. Our goal was to show that with adequate support to these people can live and use the facilities in the community and have a noticeable benefit from community care services. We were positively surprised by the willingness of parents and guardians, and especially their trust in what we do and plan for their child or loved one. From 2 March 2011. six girls live their new life in his apartment.

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   We get great support from the Association for Promoting Inclusion, particularly regarding personal training assistant in housing. Currently direct customer support living communities offer: 3 caregivers and 2 nurses under the expert guidance of an occupational therapist and manager of leisure time, while the overall professional work in the community supervises special education. With professional support appreciated Frey Škrinjar set basic program of community life. Office of the United Nations Development Programme for Croatia gave us the expertise in analyzing jobs and work assignments, supervision of staff working in community life and defining protocols for personal planning.

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The apartment is equipped with donations. In furnishing the flat part are: Croatian wastewaters, Croatian Electricity, Electrical Industries Končar, beneficiary families and staff, members of the Council of Neighborhood Sesvete and some unknown people.


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